Thursday, January 17, 2013

First Video Diary from Spain!


  1. Me gusta tu blog. Es muy interesante. Tu familia es muy especial.


  2. Hi Anna,

    This video diary is a really neat idea. It sounds like you are having a great experience.

    I know a family that lives in Portugal near Spain's border. I met them through the Captain of our sailboat who later moved to Portugal after he stopped working for me.

    The father of this family and I entered into a partnership back in the early 1980 to import an outdoor picnic table he had invested that had an electric grill in the center of it. The owned a restaurant built around these tables that was supposed to have been successful. He and his wife would prepare the raw food for dishes and people would order what they wanted and cook it themselves on these tables.

    He shipped me a couple of the tables and we visited by phone several time and decided to go into business together. This resulted in him bring his whole family came to Dallas for a couple of months and stayed with us at our home. They are very nice people.

    Any way, if you are interested, I could try and get their contact information for you if you would like to contact them and maybe go there for a visit over a weekend. I know they would be very gracious to you.

    Please let me know if that is of interest because coincidentally I got a call from the Captain that introduced us a couple of days ago because he has a flight that is stopping in Dallas and wanted to know if Peggy and I waited to get together with him. This resulted in us inviting him to stay with us and he will be here in early February.

    I hope you have a great time while you are there. It sounds like a wonderful opportunity.


    Uncle Jody
