Monday, February 11, 2013

Reminders of Home


Many things reminded me of home today. To start, Maddie and I decided to run before class (7:45 AM) and it was snowing! It didn't last long though - it stopped by the time I left for school at 9:00 AM. I would say we got a half an inch of snow, so much less than Minnesota, but it still reminded me of home! 

Start of our run (7:45 AM)
Photo taken on my walk to school (9:00 AM)

And the biggest reminder of home? PEANUT BUTTER! 

Before coming to Segovia, I heard that I should pack peanut butter because "it does not exist in Spain."  Wanting to embrace the Spanish lifestyle, I decided to forgo bringing it. I am happy with my decision, but that is not to say I did not miss it dearly. This past weekend, however, my friend received a "bocadilla" from her host mom with peanut butter. We all shrieked when she opened it - it exists! When she went home, she asked her host mom where she purchased it, and we all went to the market today to buy some for ourselves. Hooray! 

After a month of withdrawal from my one true love,
 peanut butter and I are finally reunited!


1 comment:

  1. haha i love how pb is your one true love <3

    also-heard of this place called heart attack grill, sounds like your kind of place. ;)
