Sunday, March 17, 2013

Media Maratón Ciudad de Segovia - Part I


I don't have much time to blog, but i felt compelled to share a bit about my day. This morning, I ran in the Media Maratón Ciudad de Segovia! It was great! 

Specifically, the race started in front of the aqueduct at 10:30 AM. The path led us around Segovia and took us to the beautiful monuments and sites. Below you can see images from the course:

Half-marathon brochure
Katie and I laughed at how unprepared we were for the race. We've been running, don't get us wrong, but our typical runs in Segovia are around four miles. We knew this would make completing a half-marathon difficult, but valía la pena! (It was worth it).

Katie and I before the race!
The course was extremely hilly, which was surprisingly fun and satisfying. I liked the challenge and the reward of completion. It was also pouring rain! I was running through mud and puddles the entire time - I'm surprised I didn't fall! 

Start of the race
Overall, there were about 4,000 runners, but only 200 females. It was so strange being surrounded by only male runners! This was empowering. The Spanish spectators went nuts when they saw a girl running. I would hear them cheering, "Vamos...Vamos..ah hay una CHICA! VAMOS, CHICA!" This definitely made me feel special and proud. 

I ended up finishing 13/200 women, which was great surprise. The human body and spirit never ceases to amaze me! I ran the race off pure adrenaline, being pushed and motivated by every Spanish cheer. It was a surreal experience. I was surrounded by thousands of runners, which felt so normal, but then I remembered, "I'm in Spain! I'm in Segovia, the city I love, doing the thing I love!" Needless to say, I felt incredibly blessed.
Finishing the race - 13.1 miles, done!
One more thing I should note is the fact that I have some pretty amazing friends. A group of them came and stood in the cold rain for hours to cheer for Katie and me. Words can't describe the gratitude I have for them. They're the best!

Bennie and Johnnie cheering squad! 
Cheers to friends!  
They even made signs! 



  1. Check out for a link to a fun video on the half-marathon.


  2. sounds like such a great time-love all the photos!
