Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Cosas Pequeñitas


In the Spanish language, when you add "ito/ita" to the ending of a word it indicates either smallness or affection. Thus, I created a list of the really little things I miss about home and decided to share it in this blog.

Las Cosas Pequeñitas 
1. My closet
Back at home, I have a nightly routine of standing in front of my closet and picking out my outfit for the next day. I like to turn on music and put combinations of clothes together until I find the perfect match. It's great not only because it's relaxing and fun, but it also saves me time in the morning! In essence, it's some value me time during my hectic days where I get to play with my fashion sense. 

Unfortunately, I do not get this luxury in Spain. For the past four months, I have been living out a suitcase and thus do not have a wide selection of clothing. Before coming, I prided myself on only bringing one suitcase that was under the 50 pound limit, which meant that I did not have much room for my clothes. I merely have "versatile" options. That is, my Segovian closet is filled plain colored shirts, neutrals, and jeans. It's pretty boring and definitely doesn't let me be creative with my fashion. I am so excited to have all my clothes when I return home! 
Ok so this isn't my closet, but a girl can dream, right?
2. Starbucks
If you know me at all, you know I am a coffee snob - and by that I mean I am extremely partial towards Starbucks. I relish in getting my tall, extra hot skinny vanilla latte every week. Unfortunately, Segovia does not have a local Starbucks. The closest location is an hour away in Madrid. Because of this, I only get to have the little cup of heaven when I travel, which equates to about once a month. My friends can attest to the fact that I freak out whenever I see a Starbucks and that I've even been collecting their mugs in every city I visit (I have six so far). Needless to say, I miss my weekly latte and the wonder that is Starbucks Coffee.

Sidenote: Starbucks > Caribou (sorry Lauren)

One tall, extra hot, skinny vanilla latte for me! 

3. The gym
Now, I absolutely love running in Segovia. It is actually the thing I am going to miss the most. With that being said, though, I still miss the gym at home. I miss my interval speed workouts on the treadmill, watching TV on the elliptical, and spending time doing resistance training in the weight room. I am excited to return and strengthen my arms and core again!

Let's work out! 

4. My favorite foods
I eat like a queen here. All of my meals are prepared by scratch and I don't have to lift a finger during clean-up (I still continue to offer my assistance, though). However, I do miss picking out my own meals and meal times. In addition, I miss my some of my favorite foods! The following foods are staples in my diet at home, and I have not had any of them during my time in Europe. I miss them!

A. Organic peanut butter
I have found peanut butter in Spain,
but it's nothing like organic peanut butter from home!
B. Black beans
I eat black beans almost every day at CSB/SJU
C. Ice in my drinks
Apparently ice is only an American food staple!
D. Oatmeal
Oatmeal is my go-to breakfast in the States
5. Cell service
I do have an iPhone in Spain, but I can only use its phone-like features when I have wifi. Thus, when I am outside of the house or walking on the streets, I cannot use it as a way to communicate. This has been especially frustrating during excursions or vacation as people easily get lost. I can't wait to return home and have my wonderful Samsung Galaxy 3S back and be able to call and text whenever I want- let alone use the internet too! 

Before the trip, I always took for granted the ability to call or text anywhere! 

Two days left in Segovia. Time flies.



  1. no true coffee snob would ever go to starbucks, or caribou for that matter.

  2. As the old saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Unfortunately, you are not going to home for very long before immediately heading off to Columbia, MO. Peanut butter, Starbucks, cell service and oatmeal should not be an issue there, though. Have a great last two days in Segovia and safe travels next week before we meet in Barcelona.

