Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Off to London!


Tonight, Maddie and I are catching the last bus to Madrid so that we can be at the airport early tomorrow morning to depart to London! Specifically, our flight leaves at 6:30 AM, so we have to arrive around 4:30 AM. Thus, we are forced to catch the late bus from Segovia tonight and sleep in the airport before we leave. Oh well, vale la pena (it's worth it). 

There is a big group of Bennies and Johnnies traveling to London this weekend, but they are leaving late Thursday night. Maddie and I decided to pick an earlier flight so that we would have one more day in London! It is such a grand and magnificent city, we need all the time we can get!

As you might have guessed, I have created a London To-Do List:

Tower Bridge

Westminster Abbey

St. James's Park

London Eye

Abbey Road

Platform 9 3/4

Buckingham Palace

Big Ben

Oh, and did I mention that we are visiting the CSB/SJU London Program? That means I'll get to see some of my close friends! Needless to say, I can't wait


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