Friday, January 18, 2013

Computer Woes


This morning, I woke up to the unfortunate realization that my computer has lost its ability to charge. That is, nothing happens when I plug its charger into the wall. When I noticed this and watched my laptop battery level quickly drop, I frantically powered off my computer and tried switching outlets, but alas it still would not charge. I am crossing my fingers (and you should too) that it is simply a problem with my charger or a problem that can be easily fixed.

In Minnesota, this would not be worrisome, as I would simply make an appointment at the Apple store in Edina. In Segovia, on the other hand, a computer problem is not easy to resolve as there are no nearby Apple stores - the nearest location is in Madrid! Thus, I am concerned.

Because of this problem, I will not be posting a long entry today. Hopefully I can fix my laptop in the near future, so keep checking for new and exciting posts!


Ps. I wrote this with my iPhone, in case you were wondering.

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