Monday, February 4, 2013

Top 10 Items


Today is Monday, and thus have nothing exciting to report. Because of this, I thought I'd write an entry with the "Top 10 items I am happy I packed in my suitcase". Now, there are many essential items did not make this list - do know that this was intentional. 

KEY: Scale from 1-10, 10 being the top item.

1. Long coats

Before going abroad, I was told that Europeans seldom wear short coats and that I should only pack my longer pea coats. I was advised correctly. My friend Maddie packed a short Northface winter jacket and stopped wearing it after a few weeks because she felt "unstylish and too American." I am happy I left my short coats at home!

2. Bose Noise Canceling headphones

I wasn't sure if I wanted to bring my Bose headphones to Europe because I feared losing them and/or having them get stolen. Now being here, however, I can happily say I am thankful I brought them. They were not only great to have on the long flight to Spain, but are wonderful to have in the noisy cafés. I use them for hours everyday! 

3. Passport/money necklace

There are various horrors that can happen when traveling abroad: 1) Losing your cash 2) Misplacing your credit/debit cards 3) Losing your passport. Having a passport/money case around my neck (as ugly as it is) helps ensure that my important items stay with me at all times. This pouch has been a lifesaver throughout the trip, but was especially  handy when traveling to Spain. I had multiple bags to watch and various connecting flights to make, so it was nice not having to worry about keeping track of my money and passport in the airports. 

4. Semester supply of gum

Gum must be an "American" thing, because gum is both hard to find and expensive* in Spain. Before leaving, I bought a Cosco-sized pack of my favorite type of gum that will last me the semester. My friends have remarked that they wished they did the same!
*Price of a 5-piece pack of gum: 1.60 euro, or about $2.00

5. Hunter brand boots

On the last day of Biochemistry last semester, my friend who studied in Segovia last year looked down at my Hunter boots and remarked, "You have to bring your Hunters to Spain. They're 'in' with the Spaniards." She was right - you see Hunter boots throughout the streets of Segovia. They are comfortable and easy to clean, I am happy I brought them.

6. Garmin GPS watch

My Garmin watch was another item I didn't know if I should pack in fear of losing it or having it be stolen. Like my Bose headphones, they are one of my more expensive possessions that I cherish deeply. Now that I'm here and am running on a frequent basis, I am so grateful for my watch. In Minnesota, I can use my phone's GPS to track my runs so I often do not need to wear my GPS watch. In Segovia, though, I do not have GPS on my phone so I rely on my watch. It's so nice to know exactly how far and how long I have been running. It prevents me from getting lost too! 

7. Segovia 2013 journal

My sister got me this red journal for Christmas because it has includes the colors of the Spanish flag and thus would make a excellent keepsake for Spain. It was a wonderful gift. To add to this, my mom ironed on the words "Segovia 2013" to make it more personal, which I appreciated. So far, this journal travels with me at all times and has been a great investment. I use to write down everything from new Spanish words I learn, to handwritten journal entries to document my semester. I love it!

8. Anti-theft purse

On one of my last days in Minnesota, I went to the AAA store to renew my license. While I was waiting for my number to be called, my mom and I decided to look around their store and stumbled upon this Anti-Theft purse. We looked at it and decided that although it is not the most stylish purse, it would be "nice to have." In reality, it has been great to have! It includes various locks and methods that prevent thieves from being able to steal your belongings. Pickpocketing is common throughout Europe, so having this purse has been helpful.

9. Camera with neck strap

If you know me at all, you know I love taking pictures and documenting life. Sometimes, however, having to hold a camera is not convenient. Thus, I love having a camera with a neck strap because it allows me to bring my camera everywhere! Plus, it prevents me from setting it down somewhere and losing it. It's the best! 

10. iPhone

...and the award for the top item I brought goes to my iPhone! It has been wonderful for many reasons. To start, it allows me to have internet access when I have wifi. I relied on it greatly when I did not have computer access. I used it to check email, viber (text) my friends, and find places where I could buy a charger. I honestly do not know what I would've done without it. Secondly, it has 16 GB of memory, which provides ample space for music and videos. I listen to it everyday when I walk to and from school, run, and kill time between classes. Finally, it's nice to know that I'll always have a camera on me. I don't always carry my big camera with me, so it has been great to have my iPhone to take photos and videos when I see something beautiful! 

Oh, my iPhone is also my means of getting up! I set multiple alarms for the morning, and it works everyday!

On this note, I want to thank my Grandma and Aunt Paula for letting me use this old iPhone! I have a new Samsung Galaxy 3G at home, and did not want to break or lose it in Spain, so I am thankful that they gave me this phone to use. It's great! 


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