Thursday, April 18, 2013

Cosas Pequeñas - Part II


With eight days left in Segovia, I have to make the most of my blog entries. Thus, I want to blog about things that truly matter and document things that have made my experience abroad so memorable. With this, it is time for Cosas Pequeñas - Part II

Cosas Pequeñas - PART II

1. Gladys
Gladys White is the leader of our trip and has been amazing. She does so much for us! Not only is she understanding, but she is also incredibly witty and bright. Gladys makes me laugh on a daily basis and has made my time in Spain very enjoyable. Above all, she is extremely caring. For instance, she gives up her apartment's heat so that she can use the money on us and our activities. In essence, the woman is a saint.

2. Not having class on Friday
Thursday nights are the biggest nights of the week in Spain - they are a must! Because of this,  we often stay out pretty late, which makes Friday morning classes pretty brutal. Most of my friends have class on Friday at 11:00 AM*, but I have nothing so I get to sleep as much as I want! Also, it means that I get three-day weekend every week! What's not to love?

*This class start time may not seem early, but it is when you stayed out until 5:30 AM the night before! 

3. Viber
Viber is a free texting and calling application that works on all smart phones. Thus, it allows me to text and call my family and friends back in the United States for free! I don't have a data or phone plan here, only an old iPhone, so this application has been a great way to stay in touch! 

4. Sleep and class schedule
I absolutely love my class schedule. Unlike most of my classmates, I start and end my day at the same time Monday-Thursday, which I like because it gives me a set routine. Specifically, my first class is always from 9:30-11:00 AM, and I end at 6:00 PM. It's great because it is early enough to start my day in the morning, but still allows me to sleep in until 8:30 AM. I love it! 

5. This blog
I hope you know how much I enjoying blogging about my semester abroad. It means so much to me that people care and want to learn about my experience in Spain. Also, I know I will greatly appreciate it when I come home and can reread my entries and relive all of my wonderful and cherished memories.


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