Sunday, April 21, 2013

Five Things I Missed Most


A few days ago, I received an email entitled "CSBSJU Returnee Handbook." That is, the Office for Education Abroad sent material that would help "prepare [me] to help say goodbye to [my] most recent home for the last few months and how [I] can start transitioning back to the USA." With my time in Segovia quickly coming to an end, I thought I might actually use the given resources so that I can start unpacking some the experiences I have had these last few months. One in particular is called Anticipation and Expectation Exercise. It includes a variety of questions that should be answered honestly before coming home, and I thought I would pick one to include in my blog.

The five things I missed most about home while I have been abroad are:

1. Family
I have the best family, so not being able to see them for four months has been hard. I've missed calling my mom in-between classes, hearing advice and motivation from my dad, and bonding with my sister. They are truly my rock and greatest support system, and for that I am looking forward to returning home. In addition, I miss the animal members of my family! I can't wait to play with Otto, Eddie, and Woody again!
My mom is my best friend!
My dad is my role model and inspiration!
My family supports me in all that I do! (Photo taken at TC Marathon)
2. Friends
Second to my immediate family, my friends have become my second family. I am blessed to have amazing networks of friends, both from Edina and CSB/SJU. I cannot wait to be reunited with them again! 
I miss my best friend Kristin the most!
Close friends from Minnehaha Academy and Edina!
Members of my CSB/SJU family!
I love my Edina friends!
Who could forget these goons? I love Kaitlyn and Graci!

Even though I am abroad with a CSB/SJU program, I still dearly miss my school. I miss feeling the wonderful sense of community on campus, being involved in various clubs, and working as a Biology Teaching Assistant and Exercise Lab Assistant. I can't wait to be back in St. Joe again soon! 

I can't to be a CSB Senator this fall!
Johnnie football is the best!
4. Science
As geeky as it may be, I've deeply missed science. Studying abroad in Segovia means 16 credits of Spanish classes, which differs greatly from my typical science-filled course load. Going into the semester, I relished in the fact that I would not have any labs, but now I actually miss them! I can't wait to spend hours in the library studying things that interest me - things that actually matter! (No offense, Spanish).

This is a video recorded during finals week last semester.
 I was studying for Biochemistrywhich has been 
my favorite class I have taken in college.

5. Church
To end, I miss attending church on a weekly basis. Specifically, I can't wait to go to Praise in the Pub, which is a Wednesday night gathering at CSB/SJU, and Upper Room, my home church. Both help keep me grounded and are always the highlight of my week!

A picture taken at an outdoor service of Upper Room this summer!


  1. ahhh this was wonderful :) I love you and miss you and can't wait to share stories... and just fricken do regular stuff with run to lake harriet! Or walk to dinner at fiftieth or coffee or ahhhhh. Just for a few days before you leave :/ Talk soon! Tomorrow probs, I hope ha
