Friday, April 26, 2013

Welcome to Heaven Hotel


Today, Maddie and I left Segovia and embarked on our post-travel adventure! We took the bus to Madrid at 9:00 AM and then caught a 1:40 PM plane to Marseille, France. There, we met up with our friend Laura Kosch, who studied abroad in London this semester! 

Tonight, we decided to lay low as we arrived around 5:00 PM. We checked into our apartment, which is amazing by the way. I am used to sharing a dorm room in a hostel when traveling, so I am obsessed with this place. We have two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a bathroom all to ourselves. It's so pretty and clean, too. 

Wanna hear the best part? It's cheaper than hostels here in the south of France.

Anyways, so we have simply walked around, went grocery shopping, and cooked dinner in our apartment tonight. Specifically, we ate vegetable stir-fry, soup, and salad. Yum

Our lovely dinner!
Now, we are pulling all of the beds into the living room so that we can all sleep in the same room - slumber party style! We are about to watch a movie on Laura's computer too - so pumped. 

Never too old for slumber parties!

First day of post travel: relaxing with close friends - all I ever wanted after a long semester. 


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