Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Top 10 Reasons Why Segovia is the Best Place to Study Abroad


Two days. 48 hours. 2880 minutes. 172800 seconds - such little time left in Segovia. 

With this, I am spending the time I do have doing the things I love about Spain: running,  eating froyo, hiking the mountains, and spending time with friends and my host family. In addition, I am taking time to reflect over my wonderful semester and thus have concluded that this quaint city is the greatest location to spend four months. 

Top 10 Reasons Why Segovia 
is the Best Place to Study Abroad

1. Diversity of Spain
Before my semester abroad, I knew very little about the country and its people. I didn't realize that it had various regions that are almost like individual little countries themselves. That is, each area has its own dialect, traditions, flag, and customs. Even more, the geography of each part is so diverse. Spain has everything from snow-capped mountains to flat lands, the Mediterranean and Atlantic beaches to a desert region, and so much more. By living here for four months, I was able to visit most of the regions (I didn't make it to the Northern Basque Country) and see and meet a variety of people. Spain is truly a diverse country.

Map of Spain and its various regions
(Segovia is located in Castilla y León)

2. Being able to visit numerous countries
One of the main reasons why I originally picked Spain was because it is located in Europe, which means that it's close to many interesting countries. During my four months, I have gone/will go to SpainPortugal, France, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Hungary, Slovakia, Belgium, and Holland. Nine countries in about 100 days - pretty amazing! Plus, it's relatively cheap too! My entire weekend in Portugal (flights, living, food) cost about $200 - that's way cheaper than flying to Portugal from Minnesota!

I have seen so much in less than four months!

3. Safety 
Segovia is a safe haven. Now, I realize that it is a bit naive for me to say, but it's the best way to describe this quaint Spanish town. I have never felt in danger during my four months here, which cannot be said for many study abroad programs. With this sense of security, I am able to run and walk alone- even late at night. There are also no "sketchy" parts of town, so I know that I am always (relatively) safe.

I always feel safe on the Segovian streets!
4. Best bang for your buck
Things in Segovia are reasonably priced, which cannot be said for many other abroad programs (e.g. London or Australia). More importantly, though, is that all the necessities are included in the starting price. We don't have to buy groceries, metro passes, cleaning supplies, or anything else for that matter!

I like the euro way more than other European currencies

5. Home stay
Living with a host family is an indescribable and priceless experience. It allows you to learn so much more about the culture and people of the country than you would if you were merely living with other Americans. You eat their food, follow their schedule, and truly live their way of life. In addition, you get treated like a queen during your home stay. The family cooks all of your meals, does your laundry, and cleans your room and bathroom. It's great! I like it not only because it's less work for me, but it also allows me to spend more time exploring and enjoying Segovia. Finally, I like host families because it means that someone is caring and looking out for you. This is especially helpful when you're sick or are having difficulties with cultural barriers. In all, I highly recommend home stays. Good day or bad, it has been an incredible ride. 

Diego and Jorge, my two host brothers

6. European men
There is un montón of eye candy in the streets and halls of school. European men are tall and preppy. They exude confidence and class. In essence, they're the best.

European guys > American guys

7. Course offerings
All of the professors in Segovia are incredibly kind and understanding. They realize that we are in Spain for both the academic and cultural experience, so they take this into consideration and assign light amounts of work. In addition, the earliest class starts at 9:30 AM. Thus, there are no 8:00 AMs! I have been stuck with taking 8:00 AM classes every semester at CSB/SJU, so I have enjoyed starting my days a bit later in Spain. Finally, the longest class in Segovia is an hour and a half, which is much shorter than the three hour classes that exist in many other study abroad programs (e.g. London program).

Sign from my school, IE Universidad

8. Gladys White
As I have previously written, the woman is a saint. She is definitely the best study abroad director!

Gladys and some Bennies!

9. Running trails
In my opinion, Segovia has the most spectacular running paths in the world. You run by a river, flowers, mountains, a cathedral, and a castle. It can't get much better than that! In addition, there are so many trails! You never get bored! 

Photo taken with my phone during a run!

10. Small town community
Segovia is great because if you meet someone, you are likely to see them again. You may make a new friend at a café and then see them later in the day on the street- it's great! Everyone is so friendly too, so they are likely to say hola to you every time they see you. 

I love Segovia
Don't make me leave.


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