Wednesday, April 17, 2013

La Primavera en Segovia - ¡Por Fin!


Today, I can happily say that it is la primavera en Segovia - por fin!*. What does that mean, you may ask? Well, let me paint you a picture. For those of you in snowy Minnesota, you may have to close your eyes and use your imagination...

The Spaniards are wearing shorts and dresses, and there is a sense of exuberance and cheer in the air. Laughter can be heard throughout the streets, as all are smiling under the warmth of the Segovian sun. It is 75 degrees and there is not a cloud in sky. In essence, it is heaven on Earth. 

*la primavera en Segovia - por fin! means "spring in Segovia - finally!"

Unfortunately, it is finals week for me, so I don't have much time to enjoy the amazing weather. I did find ways to make the most of it, though. I studied outside in multiple locations, and captured it all on video along the way!


Picture taken on my walk to school! 

Now, I must go and finish studying for tomorrow's final! I am finding myself with zero motivation and very little time. Oops. Wish me luck!


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