Monday, April 15, 2013

CSB Senate Elections


Today, I start my second to last week of classes here in Segovia. I have ten days left in Spain. It is crazy how time flies! 

Now, I have mixed feelings about this fact. On one hand, I am extremely sad about leaving this quaint town that I have called home for the past three months. Segovia is enchanting, safe, and full of history- it is the perfect place to study abroad. On the other hand, though, I am also excited to go home as I have an exciting year ahead of me! Not only will I be a senior when I return, but I was just elected to be the President of the CSB Senate! I feel both blessed and nervous to take on this position, and I am truly thankful for all of my peers for voting and supporting me. 
Congratulations to all the newly-elected senators! It should be a great year! 


  1. Congratulations on being elected President and have a wonderful last two weeks in Espana. We will see you in May.


  2. Thanks! I can't wait to see you and mom! Love you!
